The overall purpose of antenatal care is to optimize the outcome of the pregnancy for the mother, the child and the rest of the family. History taking, examination and the use of investigations are tailored to each individual pregnancy to assess risk and to screen for potential physical, social and psychological problems. And if a problem is identified then the appropriate actions need to be taken to minimize the impact of the problem on the pregnancy. And this may include getting help from other professions and involving multidisciplinary teams. And these models of antenatal care vary throughout the world because the need of the women can vary from country to country.
The aims of antenatal care
There are several goals that are targeted with the application of antenatal care by best obstetrician melbourne. This includes, the prevention, detection and management of those risk factors that adversely affect the health of the mother and the baby. The need to provide advice assurance, education and support for the woman and her family. To deal with the minor ailments of pregnancy and to provide general health screening. Risk assessment should be viewed as an ongoing process throughout the pregnancy so that the type of care given to a woman can change as new issues and concerns come up during the course of the pregnancy.
And even if no adverse factors are identified a minimum standard of care is still expected to be given. The focus of a high risk obstetrician is the woman in the pregnancy. Because these women should be treated with kindness and dignity at all times. And the necessary respect given to cultural, personal and religious beliefs. All services should be readily accessible to all and there should be continuity of care. There is a need for high quality, culturally appropriate verbal and written information on which women can base their choices. Because the decision making process in a pregnancy should be led by them. Visit this link for more info on high risk obstetrician.
Although it seems like this is the most obvious things that should be happening and it is the way things work around the world. This is not the case. Because in most instances it turns out that the doctor is the individual dictating terms. And this is where everything starts to go downhill in the doctor patient relationship.Because women are at their most vulnerable during the phase of pregnancy. And most of them find it hard to come to terms with the currently rigid and very much non individualized system of maternal care that is being practiced throughout the world currently. No matter if it is developing country or a developed one.