TMJ syndrome is known as a set of conditions that can lead to joint pain. It can end your jaw united and the muscles that manage the progress of your jaw from functioning accurately. TMJ syndrome problems are also called as temporomandibular turmoil (TMJ). Occasionally you may also hear the stipulation referred to as temporomandibular joint dysfunction or temporomandibular dysfunction. Our jaw joint is also known as medically with the name of temporomandibular joint. It’s situated ahead of your ear on both sides of your skull. The joint lets your mandible (jaw bone) to travel from forwards, backwards and side to side and lets you to close and open your mouth. Our jaw joint is one of the most complex joints in our body. It has several ligaments and muscles which lets multiple movements.
Symptoms of TMJ syndrome
Some signs and symptoms may comprise:
• Restricted faction and locking of your jowl
• Ache, most probably in the area of your jaw joint, but may also be at the area of your neck, ear and cheek
• Joint sound, clicking, grating and popping sounds at the time of moving the jaw
• Headaches
• Complexity in chewing
• Change in the way your lower and upper teeth fit together
• Symptoms can get worse if you’re feeling stressed or when you’re chewing
• It is possible to manage the signs at home without any help from dentist but if there is no improvement in the condition within few days or condition get worse then you should immediately get in touch with your dentist.
Diagnosis of TMJ syndrome
Tmj specialist will ask concerning your indications and inspect you. They may also ask you concerning your medical history. As jaw joint is very complicated structure in human body and there may be so many possible reasons of jaw problems hence; it can be hard to find out the actual reason for the cause. Not a single test or examination can be used for diagnosis of TMJ syndrome. Dentist may also take the assessment of jaw, face, neck and head to check if there is any kind of compassion. They can also ask you to move your jaw in all the possible directions to make sure if you can move it generously and find out if it’s hurting or makes clacking noises if you move it.
Treatment of TMJ syndrome
TMJ syndrome can often be treated effectively and doesn’t direct to former trouble. Your healing will mainly depend on the kind of TMJ syndrome you have.
You can do your treatment by following some of the given advices from dentist.
• Prefer to eat soft foods so that you will not find it difficult to chew food.
• Stop biting your nails, chewing gum, singing and taking wide yawning.
• Stop any behaviour like grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw.